Saturday, 30 June 2012

July 1 part 2

Also decided today to try running again.  Managed to run from the carpark near the softball fields to the Wynnum wading pool and back in 40 mins and 30 secs burning 416 calories.

I did intervals, with 5 minute warmup followed by 8 mins running, 3 mins walking, 3 mins running, 3 mins walking, 3 mins running, 2 mins walking, 3 mins running, 3 mins walking, 3 mins running, 2 mins running, 2 mins walking...or something like that!!  I definitely started with the 5 min warmup and 8 mins running. :

Worked out on map my run that I ran 5.18km. :)

New month new challenge

So the burpee challenge was a major fail.

As it's July 1 I've given myself the challenge to do a ZWOW every day for the month.

Just completed the first one which I've done before.  It was only a month ago and already I feel I've improved in technique so we'll see how it all goes by the time I have to do it again.

Here's the link to the video ZWOD #1

The exercise consists of:

  • dive bombers x 10
  • burpees x 5
  • squat leg lift x 20/leg
  • burpees x 5
  • side plans lift x 10/side
  • burpees x 5
  • pistol squat x 10/leg
  • burpees x 5
3 rounds as fast as possible.

Upper body strength is still crap and so are legs but I've improved a little, completing it in 19mins 51 secs (last time was 23:18).  Just did normal burpees without pushups and did the dive bombers on my knees. But this time all side planks were done with the correct technique (yay!) and I attempted the pistols by using chairs as support and going as far down as I could.  Much better than before!

This time I wrote down the times for each round too:

Round 1: 6.49
Round 2: 7.22
Round 3: 5.40

Wow pretty good!  Can't believe I did the last round the quickest! Perhaps trying to get it done?

Calories for this workout were 198.  But I kept the timer going until I stopped breathing heavily (only about another 3 mins) and I burned 213 altogether.

That's it!

PS. I know I go through all these little exercise crazes or things that I'd ideally like to do to (like a ZWOW a day) so even though I said up there that I'll do it for a month, the real test will be getting up early to do them before work. *fingers crossed*!!

Friday, 29 June 2012

Check in

Here are my current stats:

Chest: 84cm
Waist: 70cm
Hips: 87cm
Thigh: 53cm
Weight: 57kg

Will see what this is next month and whether any changes have occurred.

Prone hold

Just did a prone hold...for the hell of it. :)  Added 10 seconds to my last time! Yay! 1.00.3 (that's 1 min and point 3 secs!)

Wednesday, 27 June 2012


Went back to boxercise for the first time in 2 weeks (again) and burned 457 cals in 42.39 mins! Not a bad effort!!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

back on it/into it

Went back to pilates for the first time in a couple of weeks.  Boy it was hard, but felt so good! Think I'll be paying for it tomorrow.  However my HRM kept stuffing up so it says I only worked out for 36.09 mins and burned 139 cals. Not too bad.

Boxing tomorrow night. Think I'm gonna die.

Also...kinda stopped the burpee challenge. I got sick after a weekend up the coast and still haven't recovered from my cough. Oh well. Another time.

PS. Just tried doing a prone hold on my toes...50.3 seconds. Not too bad considering that was about how good I was doing them at bootcamp.  Next time a minute!!

Thursday, 7 June 2012


Gonna be sore tomorrow.  Did pilates tonight and already in a world of pain. (btw 133 cals in 43:45).

I always find I hurt more from pilates than anything else. Don't know why?  The trainer who takes boxing also does pilates and tonight she made us do wall sits with someone sitting or standing on us. (We also do this in boxing). Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately in the long run) the lady I was teamed with do I put it? A lot heavier than me and she put her full weight on!!  Somehow I survived 3 rounds of 1 minute.  Don't think I'll be able to walk tomorrow!!

Think I'll be struggling with my burpee challenge too but thank god it's only 5 and not 100!!  Just realised I should be wearing my HRM when I do the burpees too.  OOPS!

In other news, it's so nice to be appreciated at work.  Where I am now would like to keep me.  However because of the current state of the govt so many temporary employees are losing their job and unfortunately they can't really justify keeping me, when others who have been there longer are losing jobs and have nothing to go too.  So I have to go back to my substantive position. :(  Even though where I'm going back to is a toxic place to work it's permanent.  As soon as the govt opens up positions again I'm getting outta there!  I was even told I should be going for AO4s (which I'm already looking for) and AO5s!! It's nice to finally have my hard work acknowledged.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


It was so good to get back to boxing tonight (burned 446 cals in 40:50). Struggled a bit as I haven't been for 2 weeks (had a dinner last week) and woke up with a sore throat this morning.  Not a bad effort though.

People have been asking if I've lost weight.  I've denied it saying that I've just toned up, which is true, but I weighed myself tonight and I've lost 2kg!! No idea how I've done that because I haven't done much exercise in the last week.  But I can definitely feel it and have even dropped a dress size.  Hope I can keep it up.  Must have finally pushed through the plateau period.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

So far so good.

Currently on day 3 of the burpee challenge so only 3 burpees today.  So far so good. Arms were a little sore today but perhaps because I did a few the other night?  Hoping over time it’ll improve my arm strength.

As mentioned previously, was going to do the ZWOWs but so far this burpee thing works.  Prob because it doesn’t take up too much time at the moment.  Perhaps by day 10 I’ll have to concentrate on giving it more time.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Monday 4 June

So I haven't exercised for over a week, mainly due to work commitments. :(

Started back at Zumba and it was a little difficult but burned 339 calories in 42:07 minutes which is pretty good.

Found a burpee challenge which I'm considering doing - 100 day burpee challenge:

Starting on day 1, do one Burpee. Day 2, do 2 Burpees and so on. Do that for 100 days in a row. If you miss a day you need to make them up. So if you miss day 31, on day 32 you need to do 31 Burpees (to make up the missed day) and 32 for the current day. That adds up fast! Missing days in the beginning is no big deal but missing a day at day 80 would suck. So plan it out and challenge yourself to complete it. It’s only 5050 Burpees in 100 days. (from here)

Sounds like a challenge I could be up for!

We'll see how long this little craze lasts.

So I just did one, including a pushup but on my knees. :) 2 tomorrow!