Monday, 30 July 2012

ZWOW #12

So here we are again, with sweat dripping...again.

These ZWOWs really kick ass.  Although probably doesn't help that I have the heater on too.

Anyway, today was ZWOW #12 which was a 10 minute AMRAP. (as many rounds as possible)

  • 10 x pistols
  • 20 x low jumping jacks
  • 10 x dynamic burpees
  • 20 x low jumping jacks

Obviously can't get that low on the pistols, but think I was better than when I first started.  Could get about half way, holding on to my wardrobe. Still not doing pushups in the burpees so I guess that's ok.

In 10 minutes I completed 3 rounds + 10 pistols, 20 jumping jacks and 3 burpees.  Not bad when I forgot the jumping jacks in the 3rd round and had to do 40 altogether!

Think my ass is going to be really sore tomorrow!

Zumba (again)

Ok my ass and tops of my legs got really sore today. Guess that ZWOW yesterday worked better than I thought!

So I picked zumba tonight as I thought it would be good for my sore muscles. Boy was I wrong! We did so many squats tonight that I'll still be in pain tomorrow!

In 44.43 mins I burned 249 calories.  Not as good as in the past but better than nothing!

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Check in

So it's been about 4 weeks since the last check in so it's time to check in again.

On June 30 I was:
Chest: 84cm
Waist: 70cm
Hips: 87cm
Thigh: 53cm
Weight: 57kg

Today I'm:
Chest: 81.3cm
Waist: 68.5cm
Hips: 85.5cm
Thigh: 54cm
Weight: 57.5kg (approx - don't have digital scales)

Must say the thigh is the dodgiest area to measure as I must measure in a different spot every time.

Even though I've put on a little weight, that could be attributed to the past few days of over indulgence but I'm not really worried about weight anymore. 

Not liking the chest measurement though :( What can ya do? Get a boob job I guess?

Overall it's been great! Just goes to show that a little hard work can make changes in a short time.


ZWOW #11

These short workouts really kick your butt.

Today I did ZWOW #11 boy was it hard. Maybe because the past few days have felt like a failure food wise. Don't get me wrong, all the food I ate was absolutely delicious, but I didn't know when to stop!

But anyway it was an AMRAP for 10 minutes.

  • 10 x mule kicks
  • 10 x sumo push ups
  • 20 x side jump lunge

The mule kicks...well let me just say there's no way I could get as high as Zuzana. At least I had a go...push ups were on my knees and no modifications for the side jump lunge.

In 10 minutes I completed 4 rounds plus 7 mule kicks.  It was the mule kicks that I found the hardest and that's what slowed me right down.  But can only get better right?

In saying that I'm sweating a lot and in the 10 minutes I burned 85 calories. After a bit of a warm down it was 100 calories.

Feel like I've lost motivation in the exercise a bit, maybe because I've reached my goal weight so to speak and now it's kinda like what is my goal now?  However I think it would have to be to try and increase upper body and core strength and that's going to take some time.  Maybe I'm too hard on myself, especially food wise.  Just gotta be positive about what I have achieved and use that as strength to keep going.

Anyway enough babble, better get some breakkie!

Nice day out and new clothes!!

Went for run this morning with Lauren and Marnie. It was shorter than last week at 52.33 minutes burning 340 calories.  We ran from Manly to Wynnum Creek and back. Not too bad!  According to it was about 5.37 km.

Met up with Sandi today which was great! Totally overindulged (in a good way) in Max Brenner and Pimms! YUM! Before meeting up with her I had a look in Review. LOVE those clothes. Ended up buying a few things...2 dresses, skirt and top. To my surprise, the dresses and top were size 8!!! WTF! I cannot remember the last time I fit into an must be at least 10 years ago. Everything was discounted in some way which was fabulous.

So I got:

Pretty good eh? Can't wait to wear these.

YAY!!!  What a brilliant day.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Tonight was boxing. In 45 mins I burned 373 calories. It didn't seem like that hard a session.  Maybe I wasn't pushing hard? I don't know. Struggle with sit ups and any strength exercises though. Need to concentrate on more of those sorts of exercises.

Monday, 23 July 2012

ZWOW #10

Can you believe it? ZWOW #10 already.

Seeing as I didn't do 3 ZWOWs last week I thought I better at least do 3 this week. Tuesday's are normally a rest day but managed to get up and do this AMRAP.

So today:

  • 100 x skipping rope/high knees
  • 20 x reptile burpees
  • 20 x kettle bell jumps
No modifications unless you call doing high knees without a skipping rope a modification?

Anyway managed to complete 2 rounds and 79 high knees.  I always find the burpees the hardest and they always slow me down.  Hopefully after some time I'll be able to improve this score.  Only burned 92 calories but after a stretch it was 113.

That's it!


So I can't do the trampoline class on Thursday so did it tonight instead of Zumba.

In 44.29 minutes I burned 291 calories. Pretty good I'd say!

A little sore, but feeling great. Set alarm to get up and do the next ZWOW.

Sunday, 22 July 2012


Almost didn't do this ZWOW!  But at the last minute realised it was an AMRAP so did it.

Up to ZWOW #9 already.

  • 10 x santana push ups
  • 10 x 3 pike plyo tuck
  • 30 x crab toe touches
  • 20 x low jacks

As usual push ups were on my knees.

This one I completed 2 rounds + 10 santana push ups, 10 x 3 pike plyo tucks and 13 crab touches.  Not too bad. Could have probably pushed harder but my excuse is I didn't get enough sleep! At least I did it though.

In the 10 minutes I burned 92 calories but including the warm down it was 116 calories.


Saturday, 21 July 2012


First ZWOW in a week! Boy it was tough.

This week was ZWOW #8 which was 6 rounds as fast as possible of:

  • 10 x forward/backward squat jump
  • 10 x dragon lunge back
  • 10 x toe touch jump up
  • 10 x side plank leg lift on each side

The only modification used was on the side plank leg lift. After the first round I did it on my elbow.  Also used my 8 kg kettle bell for the dragon lunge back.

Not sure how many calories I burned during the work out as I forgot to record it! My total time for this one was16.58.

Round 1: 2.32
Round 2: 2.28
Round 3: 2.31
Round 4: 2.38
Round 5: 3.14
Round 6: 2.52

After warm down I burned 185 calories.

Not bad!

Friday, 20 July 2012

Run with Marns

Awesome run today with Marnie at Kangaroo Point/Southbank/Botanic Gardens.  Approximately 7.5k in 1.18.41 burning 616 calories! Feel amazing.

We alternated between walking and running.  Absolutely exhausted, ended up having a nap!

Thursday, 19 July 2012


Ok this has to be my second favourite class. It's slowly getting easier.  In 44.16 mins I burned 319 calories. So good when we do a mix of cardio and strength.

Now to get motivated and do a ZWOW in the morning.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Boxing was tonight and I started my watch a little early so the time prob isn't quite accurate but in 48.50 minutes I burned 467 calories. Woot!

The workouts seem to be getting harder but I'm also coping better. Think this is a good sign!

For the first time in a while I didn't have a coffee or a coke today. Yay! Slowly getting there. Think it's baby steps with this aspect.

Monday, 16 July 2012


Oops forgot to post after going to zumba last night.

In 45 mins I burned 246 calories. Not a bad effort.

Didn't do a ZWOW yesterday, figure my muscles need a chance to recover.  Probably should have done one today but think I'll do it Friday morning instead.  Body hasn't had a break since last Tuesday! Feel guilty...but really shouldn't as I'm doing quite well exercise wise. another story.  Really need to lift my game on this! My willpower is zilch. For example, went to Pancake Manor yesterday for lunch with others from work and had crepe with chicken and creamy sauce and pancake with maple syrup and ice cream! Add a coke to that and boom! Oopsie daisy!

Need to stop drinking coke again. Have had one every day since Friday. Not cool.

Saturday, 14 July 2012


Good morning! What a way to start the day with ZWOW #7.

This one was 3 rounds as fast as possible.

  • 10 x jump lunge side kicks
  • 10 x supergirl pushups
  • 2 mins skipping rope
  • 10 x love bends with kettle bell on each side.

Pushups were done on my knees and I don't use a skipping rope so did a combination of high knees and butt kicks.  Used my 8kg kettle bell for the love bends.

Round 1: 4.57
Round 2: 5.26
Round 3: 5.13

Total time of 15.39 minutes and burned 140 calories. Yay!

Because I hurt my knee, I've now been doing stretches before and after...which I know I should have been doing already...but have learnt the hard way.

Including stretches the whole workout was 20 mins and I burned 163 calories.

In other news, exciting times today as I help Marnie shop for wedding shoes! Yay!

Friday, 13 July 2012


Ok, for some reason I have a sore knee, but I think it was because I wasn't wearing shoes yesterday when I was doing the kettle bell stuff and I added high knees. Tiles and knees do not mix!

However, I have pushed on and today completed ZWOW #6.  This was a AMRAP. (As many rounds as possible in 10 mins)

  • 10 x pulse plyo jumps
  • 8 x side burpees
  • 6 x jump leg kick ups

Struggled with the burpees so from round 2 onwards I did normal burpees.  Probably didn't squat as low as I could have because of my knee.

In 10 minutes I completed 4 full rounds + 10 pulse plyo jumps, 8 burpees and 5 jump leg kick ups.

Damn! Almost 5 rounds! Next time :)

Meanwhile I'm still sweating like a pig.  I burned about 97 calories in this one but by the time I stretched etc it was 118 cals in 13.34 minutes.

Now I can continue with my day!

Thursday, 12 July 2012


Just watched the kettle bell dvd and tried their workout. Why not?

Only did 14.08 mins and only burned 68 calories but I'm sweating like a pig.  That was more strength than anything else.  Felt good!

Knee is a little sore, so not sure how I'm going to do with the ZWOW tomorrow.  Really need to stretch more I think.


Sweated like a pig tonight. It was really worth it though! In 45.44 mins burned 320 calories.  Tramp class is so fun, with a mix of cardio and pilates. Gonna be sore tomorrow!!

Wednesday, 11 July 2012


Such a tough workout tonight at boxing.  In 47.32 minutes I burned 447 calories. Sweated like a pig but felt more energetic afterwards.  A great feeling when I was so tired beforehand.

Also received my kettle bell today. Yay! Now I can get serious with some of the ZWOWs that involve kettle bell exercises.

Monday, 9 July 2012


Yay for zumba. 43.17 mins and burned 349 calories.

So torn between doing a ZWOW tomorrow or having a break and not doing it till the weekend...but then it's only 10 mins. I think it'll kill my legs...oh well.

Sunday, 8 July 2012


Almost didn't get up this morning, then remembered that today's ZWOW is a time challenge, as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes.

So today's workout (ZWOW#5) consisted of:

  • 10 bicep curls and shoulder press
  • 30 medicine ball mountain climbers
  • 10 sumo dead lifts
  • 5 competition burpees
No modifications were made although I don't think I put my legs out as far as I could for the mountain climbers.  Used my 2kg weights for the bicep curls and the sumo dead lifts.

Did 4 rounds though so that's pretty good and burned about 96 calories.  However by the time I warmed down it was 108 cals. Yay!

Need to invest in a kettle bell and heavier weights I think.

Saturday, 7 July 2012


Didn't think I'd be that sore after yesterday's workout but I butt was sore!

But woke up and did ZWOW#4.

  • 50 pendulums
  • 20 burpees
  • 15 kettlebell swings
  • 10 push up/leg twist touch
  • 5 squat with broomstick
  • 2 mins jumprope
3 rounds as fast as possible.

  • obviously can't do pendulums as high as the video but still did it all :)
  • burpees without the pushups
  • didn't have a kettle bell so just used my weights (4kg altogether)
  • 1st round of the push ups I did 8 of the pushups with twist then 2 regular on knees, then for the other 2 rounds I did 20 pushups on my knees
  • didn't have a skipping rope but did high knees

Round 1: 7:47
Round 2: 8:21
Round 3: 9:15

Total time was 26:45 and burned 268 calories.

Kept my HRM going while I warmed down and at the end of 31.39 mins I burned 306 calories!

Great workout today.

Friday, 6 July 2012


Had a rest day yesterday and I feel great today.

Back into it today with ZWOW #3. Which consists of:

  • split squat lunge
  • one leg lunge
  • pushups/superman
  • skaters
The way this one works is you do a pyramid style workout as fast as possible:
  1. 5 reps
  2. 10 reps
  3. 15 reps
  4. 10 reps
  5. 5 reps
I actually found it quite easy.  No modifications and I just used my 2kg weights on the one leg lunges.  I don't think I could quite do the super mans properly as my core strength is up the creek but that's ok.

Completed this in 17.33 mins and burned 167 calories.


Thursday, 5 July 2012


Tonight was the first time I did the trampoline class. So much fun but also very intense. My legs and arms were so sore from the past few days of exercise this class just topped it off! Tomorrow is definitely a rest day.  In 41.27 minutes I burned 286 calories. SUHWEET!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Starting to feel good

What an amazing workout tonight was.  Actually glad I didn't get up early for the ZWOW.

Boxing was so intense tonight, combined with a lot of cardio on mini trampolines it was so much fun! I burnt 511 cals in 49.24 mins. A record!

Looking forward to trying the trampoline class tomorrow night. Yay!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Found pilates really hard tonight because my muscles are really sore. But in 45 mins I burned 187 cals.

Won't do ZWOW tomorrow either as muscles are so sore and doing boxing tomorrow night so don't want to over do it.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Zumba and break from ZWOW

Tonight did 43.35 mins of zumba and burned 330 cals.

My muscles are so sore, feels like every one of them is aching.  I'm torn between doing ZWOW 3 tomorrow and taking a break on Wednesday or taking a break tomorrow AND Wednesday.  Leaning towards taking a break tomorrow and Wednesday as I  don't want more soreness and to injure myself in the process.

Will be doing pilates tomorrow and boxing on Wednesday so that's ok.

I know I said the other day that getting up early will be the's's definitely the muscle soreness! So definitely not counting this as a failure.  As soon as muscles have recovered a bit (by Thursday I'm hoping) I'll be getting back into it.  Even if I have to do 2 days on, 2 days off or something.

Sunday, 1 July 2012


Day 2 of July and time for ZWOD #2

This one consists of:
  • 5 x Manmakers
  • 20 x low burpee hops
  • 10 x twisted push ups
  • 25 x competition sit-ups
3 rounds as fast as possible.

My modifications:
  • Manmakers - used 2kg dumbbells as that's all I have and did the push up and row on my knees
  • low burpee hops - just did normal burpee without the pushup but did the low hop thingy
  • twisted push ups - did normal pushups on my knees as my back is a bit iffy and don't want to risk injuring it
  • competition sit ups - just did normal sit ups
Ok so I did modifications on all exercises but that's ok as I figure as I get fitter the less modifications I'll have to do!

Times for each round:

Round 1: 8:14
Round 2: 8:41
Round 3: 8:46

By the way my total time for this one was 25:41 and I burned 198 cals.

Now it's 6am and time to get ready for work!